Slim Feriani
CEO - Fonds Souverain de Djibouti
Mr. Slim Feriani combines an unusual and eclectic blend of academic, financial markets, business and public service career with a strong adaptability and ‘helicopter view’ edge. He is a well-rounded seasoned executive with 33 years’ experience in finance, banking, investment, emerging markets, closed-end funds, public policy, SMEs, industry, natural resources, ESG, impact investing, renewable energy and green economy transition.
Among his many skills, he boasts analysis, strategic thinking, organisation, management, leadership, communication, networking and fundraising. Mr. Ferani has a strong knowledge and understanding of developed, emerging and developing economies as well as most asset classes, sectors and major global trends and challenges such as climate change and Industry 4.0.
He is passionate about making a positive impact on people’s lives and our planet(there is no ‘Planet B’ for current and future generations). He is a strong believer in humbleness and humility. Highly multicultural, he has lived and worked in the US, UK and Tunisia, with extensive travel to all continents.
Mr. Ferani is fluent in English, French and Arabic. He holds an MBA and Ph.D. in Finance and Investments from the George Washington University in Washington D.C.